Briana – Samoan Language Week 2022

Talofa lava and welcome back to my blog. Today for Samoan Language Week we made a samoan umu. An umu is a traditional mathod of cooking food, common with/along the Pacific Islands. We learnt that the umu predominately/mostly uses ‘thermel energy. We started our day with a samoan prayer, took a group photo, checked on the umu and then had a very competitve game of Kilikiti! Kilikiti is Samoan cricket, Samoan circket is like baseball its like you have a bat then the other person will have a ball then that person will throw the ball and the person with the bat will hit the bat athen run and make sure you that you don’t get hit with the ball and then when the another person comes and hit the ball wiht the bat and they start running you start running to the other coner and it goes and goes until you reach to where you started. We had lunch and for lunch we had the umu, for the umu we had some Tipi Suey (Chop Suey), Araisa (Rice), Povi Sana (Corn Beef), Pua’a (Pork) it was so yumm! I actually enjoyed it. After lunch time we came back and we did this Samoan activity book and it had a word search in it. After that it was home time and everyone went home. Thank you hope u enjoyed this blog! 🙂

Briana – Cybersmart # 16 Poster

Malo e Lelei and welcome back to my blog. Today my class and I was doing a cybersmart challenge, First we had to go on the cybersmart challenge #16, Second we had to to amke a copy of the google drawing, Third we had to put pictures of ur favourite stuff, yourself and your name on the google drawing, Fourth we had to blog it. Thank You! Hope u enjoyed!

Briana – Kawa of Care

Malo E lelei and welcome back to my blog. Today my class and were visited by Miss Toland and she came and taught us everything about our chormebooks. Fitg 77rst she told us to go on the Cybersmart challenge, second click on the first challenege (Kawa of Care), Third watch the video, Foruth make a copy of all three google drawing, Fifth answer all the questions and put your photo up, Sixth download all three of your google drawing, Seventh blog all three of your google drawings. Thank you! hope u enjoyed!

Here is the link to the Cybersmart Challenge site


Briana – Word Art

Malo E Lelei and welcome back to my blog. My class and I were doing word art. First thing I did was that my teacher took a picture of me, second I had to go on Word Art , Third I had to write down forty things about me, Fourth I had to click on shapes, fifth I uploaded my picture on the Word art, Sixth I had to make sure that the words show properly, seventh I downloaded my Word Art Picture onto a folder.

Thank You! Hope you enjoy!

Here is my Word Art Picture

Briana – Self Portraits

Malo E Lelei and Welcome back to my blog. My class and I were doing Art. The easiest thing was drawing my eyes, my mouth, my nose and mky hair. The difficult thing was Drawing my head to perficiation. the first thing I did was fold my paper in half, Second thing I did was draw my head, Third thing I did was outline my eyes, my nose, my mouth and my shoulders, fourth thing I did was draw my eyes, my nose, my mouth and my hair. Fifth thing I did was add some shadows to the place that was dark. Thank you hope you enjoy!

Briana – Feast Day Of The Annunciation Of Mary

Malo e Lelei  and welcome back to my Blog.

The Feast Day Of The Anunciation is the day that the Angel ( Grabriel ) goes to Mary and tells her that she is going to give birth to a son and she is going to name the boy Jesus and that he will be called the Son of The Most High. On the 25th of March the whole school went to the church to celebrate the Feast Day of the Annunciation of Mary. We sang a few songs, we said 10 Hail Marys and we also prayed for Ukraine.

Click here for the story – Story

Briana – Ko Wai Au?

Malo e lelei Welcome to my new blog for 2022. This is my first blog of the year, we were doing Ko Wai Au? Which means Who Am I? First thing I did was copy it the google drawing, second I changed the backround colour, third I Wrote down things about me, fourth I put a picture of me. Thank you! Hope you enjoy.

Briana – St. Patricks Day

Malo E Lelei and Welcome back to my blog.

On the 17th of March we celebrated St. Patricks Day. St Patricks is a patron saint of Ireland.

We Celebrate St Patricks Day to show respectand remember him. St Patrick was aslo the Christian missionary and bishop in the fifth century in Ireland.

We also remember St Patrick by his story.

St Patrick was born in Britain in a Romanized family. Around the age of 16 and 17 he was kindnapped the Ireland raiders and he became a slave. After sixs years of slavery he dreamt of escaping and finally ran away to his freedom. After reuniting with his family he decided to go to Ireland and go turn thousands of people into Catholics.

Thank You! Hope you enjoy


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